6 Types of Foods That Causes Constipation

If pooping becomes increasingly insufferable to you, you may have to recheck certain foods you've eaten lately.

Certain treats can contribute to keeping your bowels from doing their job, while others get a bum rap. We've sorted out the real constipation culprits from the posers so you can get things moving again and stay that way.

Fast Food

For a busy person like you, fast food becomes a regular thing. But did you know that a value meal or two from the drive-thru contributes to pooping difficulties? Yes, those burgers and fries on fast-food menus are almost always low in fiber and high in fat, which means they take longer for the stomach to digest. They are also notoriously high in sodium which can prevent water from pushing through waste.


There are certain types of dairy products that cause constipation, such as the ones with Immunoglobin G (IgG) milk protein. Stick to yogurt and kefir contain probiotics—the healthy gut bacteria that can keep you regular.

Cookies, Cakes, Pastries

That cookie, cake, or pastry you see at the bake shop sure looks tempting, but some of those baked goodies are highly processed, often high in fat, low in fiber, and low in fluid. You're better off to eating high-fiber desserts like a bowl of raspberries, baked pears, or even a date-oat bar if you intend to keep the train rolling.


That small piece of sugary treat are lacking in fiber and other nutrients which can lead you to another struggle in the bathroom. Steer clear of too much confections to prevent constipation.


It may come a big surprise to you, but bananas can sometimes make your sit on the toilet bowl very challenging. Minimize eating unripe bananas that are higher in starch and tannins, which give them that bitter taste and can both cause and aggravate constipation otherwise, you will be just fine.

Paleo Diet

Diet minus dairy or grain products sounds good on so many levels, but too much of them could leave you constipated. Plus, limiting the carbs in Paleo may mean decreased ingestion of prebiotics, the fermentable carbohydrates that are food for probiotics.

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