Concoct This Drink and Shrink That Waistline Overnight!

We have already written a lot about the portions which positively affect weight loss or enhance it. One great recipe is spreading through the social networks and according to the testimonies of those who tried it – it really works!

A glass of this drink will refresh you, and at the same time encourage fat loss. All you need are three ingredients, and key among them is the grapefruit.

  • Cup of fresh grapefruit juice
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Put the ingredients in a blender or a bowl in which you mix the ingredients well. It is important that the ingredients are well connected. Drink the juice before each main meal or before lunch or dinner seven days in a row.
  • Then make a break of seven days, and then, if necessary, repeat the process for another week. If for some reason you do not like or do not like the taste of grapefruit, replace it with orange.

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