Eliminate Bad Breath in 5 Minutes! This Remedy Will Destroy All the Bacteria That Cause Bad Breath

We are all aware that we must take care of our health, but we also must take care of the hygiene.

There is nothing more disagreeable than meeting a person that doesn’t take care of their hygiene. They usually have a bad general smell, completely dirty clothes or a terrible bad breath. Bad breath is quite common in many people nowadays. There are some cases where the person really brushes their teeth, but it is simply hard to remove what is causing their bad breath, whether it is a meal that they consumed or a bacterium that could be in their mouth.

No matter the case, bad breath can be very difficult to remove. There are numerous toothpastes and mouth-washing liquids on the market and they all promise to help, but one thing is they can be pretty expensive and the other, that they’re actually full of chemicals. So, here, we’re going to present you a natural remedy that will help you destroy bad breath once and for all!

Destroy bad breath using this natural remedy!

You will need:
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water
  • Half a spoonful of cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


Add the lemon juice along with the cinnamon and the honey in a bottle. (You can also use bicarbonate if you do not have the honey)

Then, add a cup of warm water and shake everything well.

Use 1 or 2 tablespoons of this natural remedy to gargle and spit it after several minutes.

Cinnamon eliminates the bacteria which are causing bad breath. Honey possesses antibacterial properties and bicarbonate helps to whiten the teeth. Lemon offers a pleasant aroma and is also perfect to destroy any bacterium that could have stayed in your mouth.

Source: Healthy Life Vision

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