Watermelon Seeds For Jaundice and Kidney Stones Treatment!

As all people in general, you too probably throw away the watermelon seeds. However, this article serves to indicate that it can be a huge mistake- since they can improve the function of your body.

Watermelon seeds are full of dietary fibers that play a major role for the normal functioning of the intestines, Moreover, they are helpful in the treatment of jaundice, and also help in the fight against parasites.

The procedure which you need to conduct in order to experience the favorable properties of watermelon seeds, is to cook them, grind them or bake them.

These seeds contain a substance that acts as an antioxidant, called Citrullin.  Citrullin has a beneficial effect on the erectile dysfunction in men and prevents the spread of blood vessels.

You can get rid of all kinds of kidney diseases, and even eliminate kidney stones or sand in them, by consuming tea of fresh watermelon seeds.

The recipe for this excellent treatment is as follows:

Grind 20-30 watermelon seeds and boil them for 15 minutes in 2 liters of water. The prepared amount will be a sufficient dose for 2- day treatment. The third day you should make a break.

The procedure should be repeated in a period of few weeks, but every third day, you must pause.

In order to have the watermelon seeds remedy during the whole year, especially in winter, doctors recommend that you collect and dry the seeds in the summer.

Source: Health Care Above All

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