Why Drink Carrot Juice Everyday

Carrots have always been known to be healthy foods, especially for the eyes, skin, teeth, and the digestive system. Due to its healthy properties, this vegetable is used in many juice therapies.

Drinking carrot juice is good for you and here are the reasons why:

Rich in vitamin A. It is widely known that the vegetable is rich in vitamin A. Eight ounces of juice from carrots can already give you as much as 800% of the recommended daily intake of the vitamin. You probably already know that vitamin A is good for the eyes, so regular consumption of the juice can help maintain good vision. Additionally, vitamin A is necessary for the development of tissues, particularly those within your bones.

Rich in vitamin C.
Carrot juice is also rich in vitamin C. Drinking eight ounces of pure carrot juice can give you about 35% of the recommended daily intake of the vitamin, which is useful in many processes within the body. One includes the production of collagen in the skin, teeth, bones, and mucous membranes.

Vitamin C is also crucial in ridding of wastes because it is an antioxidant. Add some blackcurrant berries, lemons, or oranges to your carrot juice and your drink will be a complete source for vitamin C every day.

Rich in potassium.
Carrot juice contains potassium, which is an important mineral in maintaining good balance of electrolytes and fluid in the cells of the body. Potassium is also needed so that muscle movement will not become a problem.

With enough of the mineral in the body, hypokalemia, muscle spasms, acne, and dry skin can be avoided. Eight ounces of the juice can give you 10% of the daily required amount of potassium. Note though that you shouldn’t have a lot of potassium in the body if you have kidney disease.

Low in calories. If you are watching your weight, this shouldn’t be something to worry about when you drink carrot juice. Eight ounces of the juice is only 80 calories or lower, making this an excellent choice for people on a diet. The low calorie level can be upped by adding milk, fruit yogurt, or ice cream. If you don’t want the extra calories, skip on the add-ons.

Carrots are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, why not drink carrot juice instead? It has many health benefits and is even great for cleansing the body.

Source: Good Morning Center

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