Do You Have Dry and Flaky Skin? These Three Simple Remedies Should Fix It!

Dry and flaky skin is a normal problem especially during cold season, but this skin problem can also be caused by aging, hormomal issues and genetics, among others.

There are available lotions and moisturizers in the market but there are easier and less expensive ways to fight dry skin.

Here are three simple ways to hydrate your skin back to life:

#1: Be Gentle

Instead of using a loofah or washcloth, just use your hands. Or if you really have to, be very gentle and don't apply too much pressure on your skin.

When your skin is already dry, you don't want to add more pressure to it. Your hands are gentler because they don’t have abrasive textures and you can be sure they don’t have bacteria.

In addition, when you get out of the shower and use your towel, don't rub too hard on your face and body. Simply pat on your skin using the towel to avoiding adding more damage to your skin.

#2: Shower the Right Way

Showering regularly can keep your skin healthy, but too much showering and showering for extended periods can strip the essential oils, which can obviously lead to dry skin. If you experience having dry or flaky skin, do the following:

  • Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower.
  • Avoid hot showers.

#3: Use Natural Products

You don’t have to go anywhere to have silkier and smoother skin. The following products may already be found in your kitchen and you can use them on your face and body to keep them hydrated:

Milk: The anti-inflammatory properties of milk can help get rid of dry skin. Milk can also sooth your skin to relieve it from itching. It also contains lactic acid, which helps exfoliate dead skin cells and keep moisture locked in. if you’re trying to lighten your complexion, milk is a good solution.

Honey: Filled with skin-friendly features, such as antioxidants, humectant, and antimicrobial properties, honey can retain moisture. This leads to smoother and softer skin. You will also love the fact that honey has vitamins and minerals that will keep your skin healthy.

Oatmeal: This is not only good for breakfast, but also for your skin. Relieve dry skin using oatmeal by adding one cup of oatmeal to a bathtub that has warm water. You can also add lavender oil if you wish. Oatmeal has protein that can form a protective barrier on your skin, so it remains hydrated and moisturized.

While dry, flaky skin can easily be treated without even seeing a doctor, you may want to visit a dermatologist if your skin starts bleeding or becomes scaly.

Source: Steth News

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