MUST READ: 10 Foods You Need to Avoid When You Reach 30 Years Old

At the age of 30, there are adjustments in your diet that you must do due to the changing needs of your body.

There are bad habits you need to give up and begin to consume foods that your ageing body needs.

Here are the top 10 foods that you should avoid from once you turned 30:

1. Oreos

Whether you believe it or not, your favorite cream cookies are loaded with both of calories and fats. It was understandable to consume a huge number of Oreos when you were still young due to a sudden visit to the gym can actually get rid of those calories. Nonetheless, things became somehow difficult as you reach the age of 30, as weight loss with the help of exercise has become less effective on your not-so-youthful body.

2. Processed Meat

Processed meats, which include ham, bacon, salami, as well as sausages, can actually make your skin sag prematurely. Not to mention how these meats are cocktails packed with nitrates and nitrites that has the ability to arouse oxidative stress. This also hinders the formation of collage and elastin, which are proteins that can assist on your skin to remain young and beautiful. In addition, you can try to consume nitrate-free processed meats if you cannot live without ham or bacon for breakfast.

3. Protein or Energy Bars

Protein bars does not exactly provide you either of protein or energy. These bars only contain numerous unwanted ingredients, which include glycerin, sorbitol, whey protein, fructose, as well as dextrose that can mess with your entire system. As you get older, it is important to eat right and consume real foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

4. Beer and Cocktails

According to Martha McKittrick, a registered dietitian, as you get old, it becomes more problematic for your body to metabolize alcohol. Alcohol has the ability to hinder your regular sleep pattern once you grow older, which is another reason that leads to premature aging and sudden weight gain. Furthermore, alcohol is known to its ability to dehydrate your skin and to break down its elasticity. Hence, it is better to find comfort in fruit juices and smoothies to be on the safe side.

5. White Bread and Bagels

Both of white bread and bagels contain a huge amount of sugars that can actually disturb the formation of collagen and several wrinkle controlling proteins. As a result, it is better to consume bread and bagels that are made out of whole grains to maintain your weight, as well as your blood sugar levels.

6. Sugar-Free Snacks

Artificial sweeteners have the ability to hinder your liver from working properly. Sidestepping foods, which contain fake sweeteners, will aids you to revive your important organs, as well as maintaining a check on your weight.

7. Margarine

Substitutions for butter such as margarine commonly contain various partially hydrogenated oils. These trans-fat are usually connected to heart disease, as well as clogged arteries. Furthermore, these fats have the ability to speed up your skin’s aging process and to increase your vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation.

8. Iced Coffee

Iced coffee does not have the ability to assist you if you want to slow down aging. Actually, all caffeinated drinks can disorder with your normal sleep pattern, which will hinder the skin rejuvenation process that takes place during your sleep. Moreover, consuming these drinks with the use of straw is assumed to produce wrinkles and fine lines.

9. Canned Soup

Some studies have actually confirmed that high blood pressure is linked with premature aging. Canned soups contain a huge number of sodium that can lead to a sudden increase to your blood pressure levels. Another reason to elude this kind of food is due to its ingredients that are connected with infertility, weight gain, and even cancer.

10. Microwavable Butter Popcorn

Popcorn is known as a healthy and nourishing snack. However, the added flavors and fat that the butter popcorn contains has the potential to hinder your arteries and bring you a step closer to heart disease.

Source: Read and Digest 
Image: Pinoy Health and Remedies

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