10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sayote (Chayote) Most People are Not Aware Of!

Chayote, locally known as sayote in the Philippines, is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, making it cousins to melons, cucumbers and squash. It is known by other various names including pear squash, vegetable squash, christophine, choko (Australia and New Zealand) and cho-cho (Hawaii).

It is a usual ingredient to household dishes because it provides relieving taste and it contains numerous health benefits. It contains a crunchy flesh that can be eaten in both raw and cooked form.

10 Health Benefits You Get From Sayote

#1: Put leg cramps in check (Magnesium 3%)
Sayote contains magnesium, which is an electrolyte and a mineral that can actually assist in preventing muscle cramps.

#2: Good for the heart (Folate 23% DV)
Sayote is packed with folate, a vitamin B that can actually assist in preventing homocysteine accumulation. Studies show that excessive of this amino acid in the blood is connected to a higher risk of having coronary heart disease and stroke.

#3: Guard against constipation (Fiber 7%)
If you are in need of fiber, simply add this fruit on your regular diet.

#4: Energizes the body (Manganese 9%)
Begin your day with a breakfast of sayote omelet. It contains manganese that has the ability to aid the body in converting protein and fat to energy.

#5: Soothes tired and heavy legs (Potassium 4%)
Both of tired and heavy legs are the signals of the body that it requires potassium intake. Consume some potassium rich foods in order to prevent this situation.

#6: Good for the brain (Vitamin B6 4%)
Participants of the study have shown that Vitamin B6 has the ability to improve the performance of the memory in some age groups.

#7: Keeps thyroid healthy (Copper 6%)
It aids iodine in maintaining the thyroid healthy by simply giving copper, which is a mineral connected in thyroid metabolism, particularly in the production and absorption of hormone.

#8: Helps prevents acne (Zinc 5%)
Sayote is a good source of zinc, a mineral that has been known to influence hormones that controls the production of oil in the skin.

#9: Prevents bone loss (Vitamin K)
It supplies vitamin K that is connected to osteoporosis.

#10: May prevent cancer (Vitamin C 13%)
Vitamin C is known as one of the potent antioxidant, substances that can actually defend the cells from damage that is due to free radicals. Studies show that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent the development of cancer.

Source: Healthy Eating

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