Natural Treatments For Varicose Veins That Actually Work

Varicose veins are often associated with women, but even men can have lumpy and blue or purple veins. In fact, there are about 55% women and 45% men in the US have a vein problem, usually occurring in people who are at least 50 years old as well as pregnant women.

While it is a common problem, there are some methods to treat varicose veins, including surgery. But before you go for expensive laser surgeries, there are home remedies such as the ones listed below that can reduce visibility of varicose veins without scary side effects:


This herb is excellent in reducing inflammation, along with the other symptoms of varicose veins. Garlic can also enhance blood circulation and remove toxins that may have accumulated in the blood vessels. To use garlic as a remedy for varicose veins, do the following:

1.       Get six cloves of garlic and a glass jar. You will also need three oranges and olive oil.
2.       Slice the garlic and place them in the jar.
3.       Now take the oranges’ juice and add the liquid into the jar.
4.       Add two tablespoons of olive oil and leave the mixture untouched for 12 hours.
5.       After that, shake the jar to mix the ingredients well.
6.       Take a few drops of the solution and massage to your veins in circular motion.
7.       Do this for 15 minutes every day for several months.

You should wrap the affected area using a cotton cloth for the rest of the night.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This flavor-enhancing ingredient can cleanse the body, while improving blood flow. Here are the steps in apple cider vinegar for your varicose veins:

1.       Before you go to bed, take the vinegar and apply onto the affected skin.
2.       Massage the area that has varicose veins.
3.       Do the same thing when you wake up in the morning.

Make sure to follow this home treatment for at least two months to reduce the size of the bulgy veins. You can also mix one part water and two parts apple cider vinegar in a glass. Drink it twice daily for one month.

Other Effective Remedies

ü  Use a washcloth soaked in witch hazel two to three times a day.
ü  Add essential oils to chopped parsley and place on the area after refrigerating the herb.
ü  Boil a cup of marigold in four cups of water and place on the veins after letting it cool.

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising are also effective ways as well. Being heavy, along with having high blood pressure can contribute to the development of varicose veins.

Source: Steth News

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