7 Style Mistakes That Makes You Look Older and Fatter!

Have you noticed that most clothing styles these days are just another cycle of retro styles? Sometimes they're in, sometimes they're not. It just depends on whether it looks good on you or not. However, if you want to be different or make your own style and you're already in your 30s, you better know what's hot and what's nadda.

It’s amazing how many years can add or subtract the clothing style details. Improper color and hair length, an uninspired skirt and we find ourselves 10 years and as many pounds in addition. Here are some mistakes because of which we look much older and fatter than we really are.

Too much black
Black is elegant in many occasions, but as we add years on our “life bouquet ” it becomes not very flattering. Our skin tends to become white, and black hair and dark clothes creates too much contrast that draws attention to the defects: wrinkles, dark circles etc. Sweeten the black hair shade in a brown and you’ll get rid of 5 years. And if you’re a little black dress fan, wear a colorful accessory.

We wear clothes to cover our nakedness, but should not wear them to hide us underneath. In the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love Steve Carell’s character, left by his wife, was transformed by a young dandy, who advised him to wear a size down to his clothes. That’s true for us – we often buy the wrong size clothes. If you insist on wearing a classic jacket, do not choose a size that would fit your grandmother.

Wearing skirts too long
Just because you have several years does not mean that your skirt should measure several centimeters in addition. As a rule, beware of undefined sizes. Skirt up to mid calf does not even advantage the 20 years old mannequins, so give it up. A mid-knee skirt suits you best louder than a clumsy one.

You’ve chosen the wrong spectacles
The face is our first card. If you need to wear glasses, do not buy the first pair of frames that comes your way. Not the price must be the first argument for choosing a frame, but the way you look with glasses. Remember Ugly Betty (original version)? Remember what difference made the eyeglass frame and how the ugly duck turned into a swan? Study fashion magazines and see what glasses models fits your physiognomy. Do not avoid bolder frames. Do not hide your eyes!

You go shopping with the wrong person
Perhaps a neon dress looks spectacular on your teenage daughter, but if you dress the same model will not look the same, quite the contrary. You do not want to be like Samantha from Sex and the City, who chose the same outfit as Miley Cyrus. There’s nothing wrong with being trendy, but adapt it to your age. Choose some fashionable accessories among youth and incorporate them into your outfits, do not dress like a concert Selena Gomez, because you’ll look ridiculous.

Watch out stumpy shoes
Platforms are still popular, but not necessarily a good choice for you if you passed 30 years and 60 pounds. Choose slim variant for your shoes.

You seem really cool wearing a silk scarf around your neck, but apart from the fact that you look like a stewardess in the 60s, this is a fixed accessory for the 60s. A scarf can be cool, but instead of wearing on the neck, you can connect your bag handles (contrasting color) or you can turn it into a silk bracelet. Also, beware of small brooches worn on the lapel. If you are a fan brooches, choose some oversized ones and use it to complete a jacket or a skirt.

Source: Healthy Tips World

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