She Ate Three Eggs Everyday in 10 Days and the Unthinkable Happened! MUST READ!

When talking about breakfast foods, the most common suggestions are oatmeal, cereal, and eggs. While there is not much debate about oatmeal and cereal, the story is different with eggs.

Many people love eating eggs, but there are also others who think they are unhealthy – even comparing them to smoking three packs of cigarettes. You could have been told to skip eggs because they are high in calories and cholesterol, which could confuse you because you’ve probably heard about them being a weight loss food.

So what’s the truth? Eggs are actually safe and nutritious even if you’re trying to lose weight. In fact, they are among the most nutrient-filled foods on the planet. Because of this, you shouldn’t limit your egg consumption to three to four every week. Consuming two to three eggs daily can actually boost your health and provide you with a ton of benefits.

Why You Should Start Eating Three Eggs Per Day

#1: High Quality Protein

Proteins are very important nutrients as they are the building blocks of the body. You can get enough protein by eating three whole eggs every day. One average sized egg contains over six grams of the nutrient, along with all the essential amino acids in their ideal amounts.

#2: Insanely Nutritious

Did you know that eggs have so many vitamins and minerals, such as:

ü  Vitamin A
ü  Folate
ü  Selenium
ü  Calcium
ü  Phosphorus
ü  Zinc
ü  B vitamins
ü  Vitamin D

What’s more, all these nutrients are present in something that only contains 77 calories.

#2: Good for the Eyes

As we grow older, so do our eyes. This can lead to poor vision and sometimes, eye diseases. Some nutrients prevent this from happening and even help maintain healthy vision. Two of these nutrients are lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants found in eggs.

#3: Good for the Brain

Eggs are rich in choline, which is one of the B vitamins that are used by the brain to produce molecules and new cell membranes.

#4: Longevity

With three eggs in your daily diet, this can promote a healthy and long life when incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. Eggs are rich in vitamin E, which can protect us against some cancers and heart disease.

Cholesterol is probably the biggest issue about eggs. If you’re still thinking about avoiding eggs because of cholesterol, know that there are two types of cholesterol and one of them isn’t bad. One egg can have at least 180 mg of cholesterol and the liver produces at least 1,000 mg. The good news is that the liver its cholesterol production when you eat foods high in cholesterol. Not only that, but eggs are also high in HDL or good cholesterol, which can actually lower risks for heart disease and stroke.

Source: Natural News

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